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Abercrombie Caves

Which Cave should I see?

Self Guided Tour
The Archway is Abercrombie's most famous feature and includes the historic Gold miners dance platform which was built in 1880. This tour involves a leisurely walk over the surface area, and returns through the Archway. Lighting in the cave is automatic, and there is lots of information about the cave on signs and the leaflet with you get with your ticket

The Abercrombie Archway features the awesome size of the largest natural bridge in limestone in the Southern Hemisphere. This is a very different kind of cave tour as the Archway has such huge entrances that daylight filters right into the middle of the cave allowing some very interesting things to occur, such as pink and green algae growth on the caves massive decorations.

Inside the Archway is light and airy, so it is non claustrophobic. There is a well defined path for the full 200 metres of the Archway itself, and the lights come on automatically.
As you can spend as long as you like on this tour it is great for photography or sketching. There are very few ladders or steps.
An ideal tour for anyone who suffers from claustrophobia.
A great tour for cave photography.
It is also an ideal tour if you are limited for time as the inspection is available thoughout the day and can be viewed in as little as 40 minutes.

Total distance: 1400m (return to visitor centre). Cave length - 200m.
Time: Between 40mins. - 1 hour - Self guided
Grade: Easy to moderate
Steps: 202

Guided -(Includes Archway Self Guided Tour)
Bushrangers Cave contains a maze of passages that go off in all directions. The tour is taken through 3 large chambers which are interconnected by low tunnels. During the tour visitors are told about one of the earliest incidents of Bushranging history which happened in 1830 and involved a group of escaped convicts, known as the "Ribbon Boys"
Visitors also hear stories of how the caves were discovered and explored as well as finding out about some of the people behind the signatures in the caves. The Pulpit chamber is also a home for a small colony of Common Bentwing Bats. The bats are often seen in the cave during this tour.
A pass to the Archway self guided tour is included with this tour

Total Distance about 1400m return to visitor centre.
cave lentgh
Average time 1 hour 30 mins Part Guided, Part self Guided
Grade: Moderate
Limit 40
steps 324

This magnificent cave was reopened in September1996 after having been closed for 25 years. It features spectacular cave decoration including some incredibly long slender columns, high level views, and interesting fossil deposits in ancient mud sediments. It is also of particular geological interest as it is one of the earliest caves to have formed by the action of water over millions of years.

The Belfrey tour is a little more adventurous than the other cave inspections due to its location in the layer of the rock high above the Archway cave. It is of particular geological interest.
This tour enters the Archway through a high entrance. From there you climb up through 45 metres of limestone to the highest chamber at Abercrombie caves which is within one metre of the surface.

Distance: 800m. (Return to visitor centre)
Cave length 260m.
Average time: 1 hour Guided
Grade: Moderately strenuous
Steps: Includes steep ladders, heights and supsension bridge
Limit: 12
A Specialty tour -
Not suitable for children under 5, persons with medical conditions or less agile persons.

This is the best way of seeing the Archway if you prefer a guided tour. The Guided version of the Archway Cave is an excellent all round tour which is suitable for most people, it is non claustrphobic and takes in the Southern half of the Archway, then crosses a supension bridge in the middle of the Arch which leads up to the high level gallery of King Solomon's Temple.

Apart from the fun of crossing a suspension bridge inside a cave, this tour features massive algae covered stalagmites, the charming history of the goldminers and their dance floor, great views, and the massed decoration of King Solomons Temple. It has beautiful cave decoration in the form of lenghty and delicate stactites which can be seen before exiting the cave through a contrasting passage.

Distance 800m return to visitor centre.
Cave length - 200m
Average time 1 hour - Guided
Grade: Moderate
Limit 30
Steps: 132 Includes two stepped-ladders and a suspension bridge.

Grove Cave is a very different, squeezy cave located high in the outcrop of limestone in front of the south entrance to the Archway. It is a small but richly decorated, active Cave. The tour goes into three small chambers which are connected by low tunnel squeezes. - Visitors are invited to take a torch during this tour and "explore" a small tunnel known as "Grove Grovel". It's a fun way to feel what it like to really explore caves. Wetas (Cave Crickets) can also be found in this cave.

Average time 50 mins
Grade:Moderate, Clausrophobic
steps 46
Not recommemded for those who suffer from claustrophobia or less agile people

Definately the best tour at Abercrombie Cave. This Limited Special Tour takes you through the entire length of the famous Abercrombie Archway, and includes, the Hall of Terpsichore, North Arch, Eastern Galleries, The Belfrey Chamber and King Solomons Temple.
This tour is really three tours rolled into one, which features an interesting mix of amazing cave decoration, history, geology and, occassionally, wildlife

Distance 1600 metre approx
Average time2 hours 30 mins
Grade:Moderate to strenuous.
Limit Min 10
Limit Max 25

Not suitable for children under 5, - Not recommended for children under 10 years, persons with medical conditions or less agile persons.
This Tour is only available by advance booking and is subject to Staff availability
This is a specialty tour - all tickets are full price - no concessions